We invite you to please be a part of our goal this year to raise 80,000 lbs of food and $25,000.00. Please consider a neighborhood, business or church food drive between November 1st and November 24th.
Monetary donations go a long way to help the Food Pantry to be a continued resource to their clients, many of whom may only need the help for a month or so while getting back on their feet. In 2010 the Crystal Lake Food Pantry helped 9,237 families, for a total of 31,278 people!
Food and monetary donations for the Pantry are gratefully accepted throughout the year, but are especially appreciated during Community Harvest season!
(Oct. 1st through Nov. 24th)
- Checks can be made payable to the Crystal Lake Food Pantry and mailed to P.O. Box 1071, Crystal Lake IL, 60039-1071
- Food donations can be made during Pantry hours; see clpantry.org
Thank you for your support!
The 2011 Community Harvest Committee is looking forward to another wonderful year with the help of wonderful people like you!!!!!